Act of forgiveness

 I recently reflected on a profound story after a conversation with a friend. His father experienced a tragic incident where he was shot by his own brother at close range. The bullet entered one side of his face and exited the other, leaving behind fragments embedded in various parts of his facial structure. Fortunately, bystanders rushed him to the hospital, and after days of battling for his life, he miraculously survived, though he lost an eye in the process.

Act of Forgiveness: Part 1

Following the incident, a police investigation took place. My friend's father had every reason to ensure his brother faced severe consequences for his actions, potentially spending the rest of his life in prison. Anger consumed him initially, but he soon considered the impact on his brother's children and innocent wife. Ultimately, he chose to help facilitate a plea bargain, resulting in his brother serving just one year in jail.For the next two decades, my friend's father endured the pain of having his brother live nearby without any acknowledgment or apology; they never spoke again. Tragically, his brother passed away a few months ago.

Act of Forgiveness: Part 2

According to Indian customs, when a man dies, the eldest family member is responsible for performing the funeral rites. There was a palpable hesitation among family members to approach my friend's father about this duty. However, before anyone could ask, he stepped forward voluntarily. As he performed the rituals and lit the funeral pyre, tears streamed down his face as he whispered, “I forgive you, brother.”


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